My “Happy Juice” Review: 30 days with Amare Global

Hey, y’all!

If you follow influencers that are natural minded and into self-healing, you may have found come across something called “Happy Juice” - a concoction of 3 products that are by a wellness company called Amare Global. Basically, the Happy Juice includes a probiotic/gut health powder, an energy packet, and a nootropic. Amare Global claims to be non-gmo, uses plant based ingredients, that are gluten free, dairy free, and soy free. They do not use preservatives, artificial colors, artificial flavors, or artificial sweeteners. They also claim to do extensive testing on each product in order to check for heaving metals, herbicides, and pathogens. Hearing all of this, naturally I was intrigued and ordered a month’s supply.


What does it do?

Here are the claims that I came across on social media and videos that were created by Amare Global:

  • The concoction targets serotonin and dopamine in order to connect the gut-brain axis

  • It supports the growth and vitality of good gut bacteria which should increase the “feel-good” neurotransmitters

  • It can increase happiness

  • It can provide stable energy

  • It helps digestion, eliminating bloat

  • It helps provide restful sleep

  • It helps balance hormones, therefore, producing pain-free periods

  • Helps with stress resiliency

Mentabiotics: This is a trifecta of probiotics, prebiotics, and phytobiotics. The claim is that it helps the body produce neurotransmitters, serotonin, dopamine, and help the immune system by connecting the gut-brain axis.

Edge: This is the all-natural nootropic that is claimed to support metabolism, motivation, focus, and combatting fatigue.

Energy+: This is claimed to be an all-natural clean energy supplement. It’s claimed that it helps with mental endurance and motivation. There are two versions of this product, one that uses caffeine from matcha, and a caffeine-free version (which I chose) that uses rooibos tea.

The Gut-Brain Axis

So, what is up with the gut-brain axis and why is it important? Well, the gut-brain axis is increasingly recognized as a critical factor in maintaining overall health, with numerous studies highlighting its importance in various aspects of well-being. Research has shown that the gut microbiota composition can impact mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. For example, a study published in Nature Microbiology in 2019 demonstrated a correlation between specific gut bacteria and depressive symptoms.

Another study published in Psychopharmacology in 2018 revealed that probiotics can have beneficial effects on mood and psychological symptoms. Additionally, the gut-brain axis has implications for immune function. A review by Belkaid and Hand published in Frontiers in Immunology in 2020 discussed the bidirectional communication between the gut microbiota and the immune system, influencing immune responses and potentially contributing to autoimmune diseases. Moreover, the gut-brain axis is implicated in neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. A review by Sampson and Mazmanian published in Trends in Neurosciences in 2016 discussed the role of gut microbiota in neuro-inflammation and its potential contribution to neuro-degeneration.

So basically, if your gut is messed up, it’s very possible to show up as depression, anxiety, and can develop into neurodegenerative disorders - which doesn’t sound good at all.

My Review

I’m always looking for ways to heal my gut - or at least improve the functioning of it. I always have a bloated belly - most of my life, I would wake up with a flat stomach and as the day progressed, I would look pregnant. I have chalked it up to my gluten intolerance and having spent most of my life eating bread, but since going 100% gluten free almost 4 years ago, it hasn’t improved much. The last couple years, I’ve been waking up less-flat and pretty much have a continuous bloat throughout the day.

Week 1

I ordered my Happy Juice concoction in May and started full doses the minute it arrived. First of all, it tastes DELICIOUS. I honestly could sip it all day, but I don’t. My current morning routine is to wake up, take a shot of apple cider vinegar (with the mother), lemon juice, and Himalayan salt. Once that’s down, I wait about 10 minutes and mix up my Happy Juice.


A few days into drinking the juice, I could tell that my bloat in the morning was way less noticeable, so that is a plus! However, as far as it being Happy Juice, I did not notice a big difference on my mood. I do feel that I get a slight energy boost after drinking and it does not make me anxious or jittery.

Week 2

Now, this is where it got kind of dicey for a a few days. I started waking up with this pimple-like bumps randomly on my body. I got quite a few on my arms, stomach, hip, and a few on my legs. They were not bug bites and not pimples…and they ITCHED. My scalp was even starting to itch like crazy. There was a night that I woke up, deliriously tired, questioning whether or not we had bed-bugs because I was so ITCHY, LOL! No worries, we absolutely DO NOT have a bed-bug problem. I started racking my brain wondering what the heck is going on - later that morning, I drank my Happy Juice and within 10 minutes started itching like CRAZY - my lightbulb went off and I figured it was the drink. I messaged my rep and she wondered if I could possibly be detoxing and to back off from using a full dose. I backed off completely for a few days to get my itchy body under control. I went back and did half a dose on each product and after a few days, I went back to normal, no more itching skin or bumps. Weird.

Week 3

My morning routine is going strong with the Happy Juice. I look forward to drinking it each morning because it’s so yummy, it’s like a treat for my usual plain-water self. My energy has increased, however, does last throughout the afternoon. I am still cat-napping in the afternoon when I have the chance. My stomach continues to feel like it was improving - still bloating after meals, but waking up each morning with a happier and flatter stomach. As far as my overall mood, this is the week before Aunt-Flo comes to town and my PMDD is not the least be affected by this - I’m still kind of a raging biatch this week.

Week 4

I’m about finished with my products and overall feel that they have made an improvement for me. I got my period this week and it was “happier” in the sense that it was lighter and shorter than usual. That’s a huge plus in my book. However, I have PMDD and did not feel that it made a dent in my attitude the days leading up to my period. Since PMDD is so extreme, I may need more time for it to really help my attitude during that time of the month.

The Verdict Is In

So, now that I’ve tried the products for a solid month, I will say that I will be re-ordering another month’s supply, especially the Mentabiotics product. My stomach is typically very sensitive and I never really know how it’s going to react to certain foods and situations. I traveled this month and never had an “Oh, crap, I need the bathroom NOW,” moment (Thank God!). I drank the Happy Juice prior to climbing the Manitou Incline in Colordao and I’m glad I had that energy boost before making that trek.

As far as the nootropic product, Edge, I don’t know that it made a huge difference for me in the sense of making my attitude better. I do want to give it another go to see the more my stomach heals if I will start to see a difference or not.

I’m also pretty pleased with the Energy+ product. I’m super sensitive to caffeine - according to my genome, I’m allergic to it, but still indulge in the weekly Chai tea when I can ;). I love that Amare offers a caffeine free option that DOES NOT make me jittery - like, not at all.

So, YES, I will be ordering Amare Global’s Happy Juice concoction to try for another 2 months. I will not be signing up to be an Ambassador at this time though - I just want to give it more time to determine if the nootropics can make a bigger difference before totally endorsing a product with such high claims.

Let Me Know Your Thoughts!

So, please reach out and let me know if you are a fan of Happy Juice and what your experience has been. If you haven’t tried it and want to order, let me know and I can hook you up with my friend who is a rep.

Be blessed my friends!


Valles-Colomer, M., Falony, G., Darzi, Y., Tigchelaar, E. F., Wang, J., Tito, R. Y., ... & Raes, J. (2019). The neuroactive potential of the human gut microbiota in quality of life and depression. Nature Microbiology, 4(4), 623-632.

Steenbergen, L., Sellaro, R., van Hemert, S., Bosch, J. A., & Colzato, L. S. (2015). A randomized controlled trial to test the effect of multispecies probiotics on cognitive reactivity to sad mood. Psychopharmacology, 232(10), 1793-1801.

Belkaid, Y., & Hand, T. W. (2020). Role of the microbiota in immunity and inflammation. Cell, 181(2), 2.

Sampson, T. R., & Mazmanian, S. K. (2016). The microbiota-brain axis: the missing link in neurologic and psychiatric pathology?. Trends in Neurosciences, 39(12), 709-737.


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